5 Tips for Designing an Office Layout

When you’re designing an office layout (or redesigning) your office space, it can feel less like a fresh start and more like you’re playing a life-sized version of Jenga. It doesn’t have to feel that way, though! With a little organization and forethought, your adventures into the world of office layout can be done with confidence, creativity, and satisfaction in knowing that your company is heading in the right direction.

So take a deep breath, grab a coffee, and check out these steps for making your dreamed-of modern office workstation in NY a reality.

office layout
Maximize comfort and functionality by selecting the perfect furniture pieces that complement your workflow.

1. Set a budget.

Before you begin laying out what you want to buy, you first need to know what you can buy. If you don’t know who in your company has the final say in setting the budget, make sure that you find out and clarify the situation to your team to keep everyone on the same page. No matter who the decision-maker is, sit down and collaborate with your employees on whether you want to spend money on interior designers or experts in office layout. Knowing what your resources are will help all of the other steps go more smoothly.

2. Know what you’re getting rid of.

Now that you’ve worked out your budget, it’s time to figure out what it is you want to replace. Start by prioritizing different spaces in your office: Is the main lobby more critical than the employee workspace? Does your office lunch room need a makeover more urgently than the backroom office? Create a list of which spaces require refurnishing. From there, calculate which furniture items will stay, and which ones need to go.

3. Think about functionality and culture.

Armed with your budget and list of need-to-go furniture pieces, you can finally begin formulating a plan for what you want to incorporate into your renewed office layout. Consider your workplace culture. Do you want your office space to be relaxed or more formal? Modern, or traditional? Think about your company’s image and brand as you select your furnishings.

Don’t forget about the practical things, either. Is there a lot of communication between different teams and departments? Then having a more open office space with convenient meeting places for face-to-face interaction could be key. Do large groups of employees or clients often walk through your office? Make sure you have enough space for them to move comfortably.

Also, don’t be afraid to do some digging on layout tips for your particular industry. Different verticals can have unique needs that your team may not have even thought of!

4. Consult your team — and IT.

Respected employees are happy employees, and studies have shown that consulting workers on workspace layout leads to increased levels of job satisfaction. Maintain open communication with your employees for ideas on how you can enhance your office space and improve the environment.

Another critical item: remember to consult your company’s IT department as you map out your new office design. Ensuring that your furniture is compatible with your technological needs is crucial, and your IT department can help you account for factors such as printer locations, outlet and router proximity, tech storage, and other vital design elements.

5. Plan for the future.

As you’re busily designing your new layout, make a point of stepping back and thinking about what you’ll need a few months or years down the road. Does your office get unusually cold in winter? Is there a window where the sun glares during the summertime? Do you plan on significantly growing your company size in the next few years? Weighing such factors is integral to your planning process, especially the last point: Make a note of where you see your company in five years and plan accordingly.

Does your office workstation in PA need refurbishing? Don’t hesitate to give us a call today at 732-360-5091.

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